Monday, December 24, 2012

Brilliant Post-Thanksgiving Idea

For the day after Thanksgiving, someone should sell leftovers!

If you are someone's guest at Thanksgiving dinner, and your hosts are not relatives, you are very likely to leave sans leftovers. This has happened to me on more than one bittersweet occasion. The solution, I realize now, is for someone to offer a meal for the day after, complete with turkey, gravy, potatoes and/or stuffing,and maybe some green bean casserole. Not the family-feeding production the supermarkets sell; you rarely eat as big a meal the day after a feast. Maybe a lunch size. But a little post-Thanksgiving turkey would really do the trick.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Random but interesting

-I wish I knew whether I should start speaking to my cat like an adult. She is 14 now; maybe she no longer appreciates the high excited voice I use to make conversation.

-Not flattering: Recently I had a revelation about myself. It's not reading books I am hooked on - it's reading book titles. I can rummage through hundreds of them at book sales, but when I get them home, I don't care whether or not I read them.

-Tattoos used to brand you as unusual and interesting. Now they just make you one of the pack. I guess if you want to identify as a chef or musician, they're required.