Friday, February 25, 2011

NYT's Column on Language Discontinued

Read all about it here:

Forget the end of an era and closed doors opening windows. If there is no longer an interest in perpetuating and perfecting the language we use to communicate, I fear we are headed in the wrong direction.

Until someone else picks up the language torch, we'll have to get by on the archives:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I could really use

A microphone that works in a large indoor pool setting.

None of my water aerobics instructors uses a microphone when teaching poolside. I remove my glasses when I take the class so I already can't see what they are doing. And sound doesn't exactly carry in a massive space encircling the pool. Can't someone invent a cheap, waterproof microphone that focuses sound into a specific area? Like a spotlight for an amplifier!