Saturday, April 30, 2011

The decline of legitimate news reporting

I am reluctantly posting a link to a talk show host about whom I feel only lukewarm because of one magnificent monologue that hit the spot with me. Please listen to the rant, starting about two minutes in, and, if you and I have anything in common, feel satisfied. Give it 5-10 minutes and try to ignore the idiotic name-calling, lame rimshot jokes and major liberal bent. It'll be worth it.

Thank you, Norman Goldman, for succinctly explaining why any coverage of Donald Trump is an abandonment of decent journalism. I wish I had said it as well.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lazy journalist word of the month: Meltdown

Ever since the terrible sequence of events in Japan, I hear the word "meltdown" thrown about in all situations pertaining to the nuclear plant. Do you know exactly what the word means when you hear it on the news? Can a reporter somewhere in the U.S. bother to look it up and define it for the rest of us instead of repeating the same old word?

No, that would take work. I know this because the word isn't even in any of my (many) old print dictionaries.

For all of us who care, here's a definition, courtesy of
"meltdown - A situation in which a rapid rise in the power level of a nuclear reactor, as from a defect in the cooling system, results in the melting of the fuel rods and the release of dangerous radiation and may cause the core to sink into the earth."

There, isn't that better?